authentication error

Discovery Service : Authentication error . Registry information may have changed .
The authentication error and the authentication mechanism are specified in the text of the error message .
Experiments proved that integration was indeed able to achieve a more high identification rate and the authentication error rate even lower .
An authentication error will occur if the user trying to connect is not same as the user whose credential is in the Kerberos cache .
The authentication failed error is usually caused by an incorrect user id or password .
The library itself handles all the connections , authentication , error handling , and the back and forth .
Finally , it analyzes the confidentiality , integrity , message authentication and error rate of the mechanism and verifies its feasibility .
Analysis of Biometrics Authentication System 's Error Rate
Configurable aspects of PPP include methods of authentication , compression , error detection , and whether or not multilink is supported .
In your own applications , you might consider clearing the username and password when failure occurs because of authentication and adding an error message to the screen .
Electronic portal imaging system ( electronic portal imaging device , EPID ), is a newly-developed technology which is applied in portal positioning authentication to reduce the error of exposure .
Finally this paper provided specific function implementation in the case of logistics tracking system , simulated the mutual authentication model by model error rate and single run time index . The simulation result proved that this model ensured system security and communication efficiency .
Cryptographic protocols are used to ensure authentication and related purposes , but the design of authentication cryptographic protocols is error prone .